Joint Services Transcript Corrections

Please include your name, the last 4 digits of your SSN, and an email address on documents submitted

To view the Army Correction/Update procedures on a single printable document.

  1. How do I update missing or incomplete training data on my JST?

    Course data is sent by the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) once a month. Each individual training school is responsible for updating the ATRRS system when a Service Member graduates from a course. Only qualified courses are sent to JST (SMART FORCE/distance learning courses and other courses that are less than 45 hours in length are excluded as they are not evaluated by ACE). Prior to contacting Army JST support staff, please ensure your training records are correct in ATRRS and they are "qualified". If you are missing an ACE accredited course you completed more than two months (60 days) ago and it is an ACE accredited course, please send a copy of all documentation training certificates (DA-1059) and justification Effective 2 January 2017, we will be using this website for all correspondence, thus the email option will longer be available. Please note that you can submit your official JST to any institution located on the “Official Transcript Request” page on this website. For all other inquiries, log in to JST and open a case and upload any documentation for review if necessary. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work towards addressing all JST inquires through the website.

  2. What is ACE?

    The American Council on Education (ACE) Military Guide presents ACE credit recommendations for formal courses and occupations offered by all branches of the military. All recommendations are based on ACE reviews conducted by college and university faculty members who are actively teaching in the areas they review. You can find more information about ACE at .

    The Military Evaluation Program provides guidance to service members, civilians, military education centers, and colleges and universities interpreting military transcripts and documents.

  3. Why does my course/MOS say "PENDING EVALUATION?" When will it be evaluated?

    All course and MOS evaluations are provided by ACE. When new courses/MOSs are created by the Army, ACE needs time to evaluate them. The same is true for existing courses/MOSs that experience significant changes. The amount of time required is dependent upon the timely submission of documents by the Army to ACE for their evaluation.

  4. What is an MOS (primary, secondary, and duty)?

    All soldiers receive a primary military occupational specialty (MOS) in which they normally work and are evaluated.

    Some soldiers receive a secondary MOS, which is generally related to their primary MOS. They are evaluated every other year in the secondary MOS.

    A soldier works in a duty MOS, which in most cases is the same as the primary MOS. If the duty MOS is different from the primary MOS, soldiers are evaluated by the supervisor in their duty MOS.

    Credit may be awarded in either the primary or duty MOS or both. The soldier must maintain proficiency in the primary MOS as well as the duty MOS.  Ordinarily, the primary, secondary, and duty MOSs are in the same or a related career field.  If so, there may be some duplication in the credit recommendations.

  5. Most MOS exhibits do not carry a specific credit recommendation for Skill Levels 10 and 20. Why is that?

    One of ACE's criteria for evaluating an occupational system is that it must provide for the assessment of the individual. Since the Army no longer offers a standardized testing system, ACE recommends credit only for Skill Levels 30, 40, and 50. For Skills Levels 10 and 20, colleges and universities may grant credit based on an individualized assessment of the student. For additional information, refer to the ACE Occupation Evaluation System.

  6. When I look at the courses or the MOS history there is missing or incomplete data.
    Enlisted Service Members:

    Prior to contacting Army JST support staff, please ensure your MOS records are correct in ATRRS and with your chain of command (S3).   If you are missing MOS data/Series level, please send any documentation and justification to: Effective 2 January 2017, we will be using this website for all correspondence, thus the email option will longer be available. Please note that you can submit your official JST to any institution located on the “Official Transcript Request” page on this website. For all other inquiries, log in to JST and open a case and upload any documentation for review if necessary. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work towards addressing all JST inquires through the website.


    Please send any documentation (DD-214) and/or justification to: Effective 2 January 2017, we will be using this website for all correspondence, thus the email option will longer be available. Please note that you can submit your official JST to any institution located on the “Official Transcript Request” page on this website. For all other inquiries, log in to JST and open a case and upload any documentation for review if necessary. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work towards addressing all JST inquires through the website. In the event you are missing or have lost your DD-214 you can go to the National Archive website and request your military records. The National Archive website is

  7. My Name, Rank, Birth date, BASD or some other personnel data is incorrect or missing.

    As much as we don't like it, data entry errors exist. Some reasons may involve data entry errors or changes to your data within the database due to personnel actions (i.e., re-enlistment, PCS, discharge, etc.) The Integrated Total Army Personnel Data Base (ITAPDB) is maintained and updated by your unit Personnel Officer/S-1. The JST personnel records are updated from ITAPDB. Your Personnel Officer/S-1 will be able to verify your data and/or make the necessary corrections so that you will be able to access your transcripts. Once you make corrections, there may be a delay before the JST data is automatically refreshed. The Army JST support staff can make updates but they may be overwritten when the data is refreshed from the ITAPDB data feed.

    Effective 2 January 2017, we will be using this website for all correspondence, thus the email option will longer be available. Please note that you can submit your official JST to any institution located on the “Official Transcript Request” page on this website. For all other inquiries, log in to JST and open a case and upload any documentation for review if necessary. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work towards addressing all JST inquires through the website.

To view the Coast Guard Correction/Update procedures on a single printable document.

Awards and local training that does not have Coast Guard course identification numbers will NOT show up on your transcript. Please DO NOT include this type of information, since it we can not add it to your transcript.

When you communicate with us about your records, please do so using the ETQC-1562-10B and include documentation of your claim. Please make sure they are copies, NOT ORIGINALS, as items will NOT be returned. Conversely, all transcripts submitted for entry, must be official and come directly from the college or university you attended.

Contact Information:

Email ETQC Registrar's Office

Commanding Officer (RO)
300 E. Main Street, Suite 1201
Norfolk, VA 23510


  1. How do I update missing or incomplete personnel data on my JST?

    Active Duty: You or your ESO may email the ETQC Registrar's Office with the ETQC-1562 along with documentation of the missing item(s).

    All Others: Mail, fax, or e-mail to the above sources. Be careful not to submit sensitive information through e-mail or fax.

    All Others: Mail certified or notarized "to be true" copy of DD Form 214 to the Coast Guard ETQC. Send copies of all DD 214(s). DO NOT SEND YOUR ORIGINAL. Identify the issue that needs to be resolved. Please include accurate contact information with your documentation.

  2. How do I add missing courses to my JST?

    Active Duty: Have your ESO email ETQC Registrar's Office with documentation to add the missing item(s).

    All Others: Mail, fax, or e-mail to the above sources. Be careful not to submit sensitive information through e-mail or fax. Please identify the missing item(s). Ensure important information is included with the documentation, such as name of course, course number, location and dates. Allow up to 15 days for changes to appear on the JST.

    Active and Veterans: Training while serving in the Army, Marine Corps or Navy: View the update information for the specific branch of service for instructions:
          ARMY View
          MARINE CORPS View
          NAVY View

    This section lists your Coast Guard, and if applicable, your other Military Occupational History

  3. How do I add missing rates to my JST?
    Active Duty: Have your ESO email the ETQC Registrar's Office with documentation to add or update the missing item(s).

    All Others: Mail, fax, or e-mail to the above sources. Be careful not to submit sensitive information through e-mail or fax. Please identify the missing item(s). Ensure important information is included with the documentation, such as name of rate, date at missing level, and/or confirmation of appointment. Allow up to 15 days for changes to appear on the JST.

    Active and Veterans: Military experience (MOS, MCE, NER, NEC, etc) while serving in the Army, Marine Corps or Navy: View the update information for the specific branch of service for instructions:
          ARMY View
          MARINE CORPS View
          NAVY View

    *Please allow up to 15 days for changes to appear on the JST.

  4. Will my college courses appear on the JST?

    Only courses that were paid by Tuition Assistance will appear on the JST.

  5. What if a score report doesn't show up on my JST?

    Active Duty: Have your ESO email the ETQC Registrar's Office with documentation to add or update the missing item(s).

    All Others: Mail, fax, or e-mail to the above sources. Be careful not to submit sensitive information through e-mail or fax. If the CLEP, DSST, or ECE and DLPT test scores are missing from the JST, provide official documentation showing the test taken, date taken, and score or skill level. Submit documentation as noted under Coast Guard Training/Courses.

To view the Marine Correction/Update procedures on a single printable document.

Awards and local training that does not have military course identification numbers will NOT show up on your transcript. Please DO NOT include this type of information, since it we can not add it to your transcript.

When documentation is submitted, please wait approximately 15 days before logging into JST to check your transcript for the change. After logging in, the ‘Transcript Update Status’ will let you know when the documents were received and current status.

When you communicate with us about your records, please include:
  • your full name (include first, middle, last)
  • the last 4 digits of your Social Security number
  • your email address or other methods of contact
  • if you send us documents make sure they are copies, not originals

JST Technology/Operations Center N643
6490 Saufley Field Road
Pensacola, FL 32509

Fax: Commercial 850.473.6013
DSN: 753-6013

  1. How do I update missing or incomplete personnel data on my JST?

    Active Duty: Contact your Unit Diary/Admin Non Commissioned Officer (NCO). They will submit corrections to update MCTFS.

    Veterans: Mail certified/notarized copy of DD Form 214 to the JST Technical/Operations Center. Send copies of all DD 214(s). DO NOT SEND YOUR ORIGINAL. Identify the issue that needs to be resolved.

  2. Marine Corps Total Force System (MCTFS), Training Information Management System (TIMS) and Marine Corps Institute (MCI) are shown on the JST transcript.

    Active Duty: All courses must be entered into MCTFS prior to submitting JST corrections. Provide dates and locations via a copy of the course completion certificate, service record page(s) or DD Form 295 and mail to the JST Operations Center. All documents must be certified as true copies by the Unit Diary/Admin NCO or notary.

    Veterans: Mail copies of course completion certificate, DD Form 214 or other documents from the service record to the JST Tech/Operations Center. Identify issue or problem to be resolved (circle or send explanation), and include the date (month and year) completed, as well as the location where the course was taken. All documents must be certified or notarized as a true copy. Only courses taken during active/reserve duty times will be added. The only exception is if the course has ACE Military Guide credit (can be checked by going to the ACE Military Guide

  3. Military Experience: Military Occupational Specialty (MOS)
    Active Duty: MOS codes must be added to MCTFS by the Unit Diary/Admin NCO.

    Veterans: Mail copies of DD Form 214 or other documents from the service record to the JST Tech/Operations Center. Identify issue or problem to be resolved (circle or send explanation). All documents must be certified or notarized as a "true copy of the original".

  4. College Degrees

    Only degrees earned during Marine Corps active duty will be included on your JST. Credit Evaluations may NOT be sent in lieu of transcripts.

    Active Duty and Veterans: Have an official transcript sent from the institution directly to the JST Tech/Operations Center.

  5. Academic Institution Courses

    College courses taken while on active duty. If TA or NCPACE they should automatically show up on JST.

    Active Duty and Veterans: TA/NCPACE issues should be sent to

    Other funded courses (i.e. CCAF, MGIB funded, etc) ( 3 Options)
    1. Have official transcript mailed from institution to the JST Tech/Operations Center.
    2. Bring Official transcript to the Lifelong Learning Center to have certified and faxed to the JST Tech/Operations Center.
    3. Have Official Transcript certified or notarized and mail to the JST Tech/Operations Center.
To view the Navy Correction/Update procedures on a single printable document.

Awards and local training that does not have military course identification numbers will NOT show up on your transcript. Please DO NOT include this type of information, since it we can not add it to your transcript.

When documentation is submitted, please wait approximately 15 days before logging into JST to check your transcript for the change. After logging in, the ‘Transcript Update Status’ will let you know when the documents were received and current status.

When you communicate with us about your records, please include:
  • your full name (include first, middle, last)
  • the last 4 digits of your Social Security number
  • your email address or other methods of contact
  • if you send us documents make sure they are copies, not originals

Contact Information:

Email JST Operations

Attn: JST Technology Operations Center, Code N643
6490 Saufley Field Road
Pensacola, FL 32509

Fax:    1.850.473.6013
DSN: 753.6013

  1. How do I update missing or incomplete personnel data on my JST?

    Active Duty: Contact your servicing PSD or Personnel and Administration Office. That office will submit corrections to PERS-312 or PERS-8.

    Veterans: Mail certified or notarized "to be true" copy of DD Form 214 to the JST Operations Center*. Send copies of all DD 214(s). DO NOT SEND YOUR ORIGINAL. Identify the issue that needs to be resolved. JST Operations Center will NOT accept faxed or e-mailed copies of your DD-214. Please include accurate contact information with your documentation.

  2. Military Training/Courses

    Active Duty: Mail copy of course completion certificate or page 4 (NAVPERS 1070/604) from service record or copy of Enlisted Summary Record (ESR) to JST Operations Center. Completion certificate (page 4), or copy of ESR must be certified as a true copy of the original by PSD (with PSD personnel original signature). Include your name, last four digits of your SSN, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

    Certified documents may be faxed by PSD to JST Operations Center, or mailed to JST Operations Center*

    When mailing page 4 (NAVPERS 1070/604) or ESR, circle items to be corrected or added to transcript. Ensure course number, location and dates are annotated on page 4 or ESR. Allow up to 30 days for changes in CeTARS to appear on JST.

    Veterans: Mail copies of course completion certificate, past performance evaluations or page 4 (NAVPERS 1070/604) from service record or copy of Enlisted Summary Record (ESR) to JST Operations Center. When mailing page 4 or ESR, circle items to be corrected or added to transcript. Ensure course number, location and dates are annotated on page 4 or ESR.

    Completion certificate, page 4 (NAVPERS 1070/604), DD Form 214, or copy of ESR must be certified as a true copy by PSD (with PSD personnel original signature). Include your name, last four digits of your ssn, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

    Certified documents may be faxed by Navy Military Personnel Office to JST Operations Center, or mailed to JST Operations Center.

  3. Military Experience

    This section lists your Navy occupational history. Ratings/NECS are recorded on page 4 of service record or an Enlisted Summary Record (ESR).

    Active Duty: Contact your servicing PSD or Personnel/Administration Office to obtain certified copy of page 4 (NAVPERS 1070/604) or a copy of ESR. NECs must be annotated in the "Navy Enlisted Classification Record" block.

    Circle correct information on page 4 or ESR to be entered on transcript, have PSD certify as true copy (with PSD personnel original signature), and mail to JST Operations Center. Include your name, last four digits of your SSN, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

    Certified documents may be faxed by PSD to JST Operations Center, or mailed to JST Operations Center.

    Veterans: Mail certified or notarized "to be true copy" of page 4 (NAVPERS 1070/604), ESR, designation letters and/or DD Form 214(s).

    Circle correct information to be entered on transcript, have certified (with certifier's original signature) or notarized as true copy, and mail to JST Operations Center. Include your name, last four digits of your SSN, daytime phone number and e-mail address.

    Certified documents may be faxed by PSD to JST Operations Center, or mailed to JST Operations Center.

  4. College Degrees

    Degrees/Certifications earned before or while on Navy Active Duty at institutions accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. **NOTE: Foreign Degrees may or may not be placed on JST. Credit Evaluations may NOT be sent in lieu of foreign transcripts.

    Active Duty and Veterans: Have an official transcript sent from the institution directly to the JST Operations Center. Transcripts supplied by service member will NOT be accepted; must come DIRECTLY from institution.

  5. Academic Institution Courses

    Non-TA and/or Non-NCPACE funded courses
    Academic courses completed during active duty service may be added to the JST. The JST OPERATIONS CENTER will only accept Official Transcripts directly from the school.

  6. College Level Test Scores (CLEP, DSST, DLPT, ECE (formerly ACT-PEP, RCE))

    Active Duty and Veterans: If the DLPT test scores are missing, official documentation showing the test taken, date taken, and score or skill level must be submitted. Submit documentation as noted under Military Training/Courses.

    Active Duty: For CLEP, DSST or ECE, contact your local Navy College Office.

    For DLPT, contact / Navy Foreign Language Testing Department, (DLPT scores are submitted to JST on a weekly basis).

    Veterans: For CLEP, DSST, ECE, obtain transcript from DANTES at: Mail to JST Operations Center.

    For DLPT contact: If the test has been proctored within the past two years, contact Navy Center for Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture / Navy Foreign Language Testing Department,

  7. Non-Academic Certifications/Licensures

    Technical certifications, Navy COOL, licensures, etc. that are NOT from an academic institution earned prior to or during active duty service earned by Active Duty and Veterans may be added to the Academic Courses page.

    Send a 'Certified True' copy of the certification to the JST Operations Center. A proper 'Certified True' document includes signature, title and date of the certifying official.